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Additions and Remodels

Remodels and additions are informed by the interaction between old and new.  Preserving original materials and fixtures can lend history and authenticity to a home. 


A remodel and addition is an opportunity to correct past mistakes. 

Remodels that open up kitchen to adjacent rooms and create new connections to the outdoors are popular and make a home more liveable and spacious.


If you love your current home and neighborhood but need more space, an addition is a great alternative to moving.  Additions and remodels can be designed to blend seamlessly into the existing home and neighborhood. 

Multi-Family Homes

Multi-Family housing can foster a strong sense of community when both shared amenities, defensible space and private residences are properly planned.  Higher density and repetitive construction makes multi-family housing an economical and a sustainable model for an urban setting. 


Repetition of building components will magnify a minor construction defect into a major problem.  Fire, sound transmission and waterproofing assemblies need special care during design, construction and inspection. 

New Single Family Homes

We create homes, and our environment shapes us.  A new home is a opportunity to project our values.  A well designed home shelters, nurtures and inspires.  


During planning and design the homeowner's needs and desires are evaluated and prioritized.  The owners program, project budget, zoning and site constraints, architects and contractors ability influence the outcome.  It is my job to be your guide, advisor and advocate during this process, acting as your agent to enable the sucessful completion of the project and the fufillment of your vision. 

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© 2020 Gawoski Architects Tel: 415.342.5351

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